The first step in crafting realistic and attainable New Year’s resolutions is to engage in self-reflection to identify your goals for yourself and your relationships. As you think about your goals, we encourage you to reflect on the different areas of your life that influence your health and well-being to ensure that you are creating holistic and well-rounded resolutions. 

Think about your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational health. Are there areas that are lacking or that you wish to improve? Maybe your goal this year is to focus on boundaries to improve your relationships, while also making space for you to take time for yourself. Maybe you want to focus on building communication in your relationships to improve your relational and emotional health. Regardless of what your resolutions are for the new year, know that when you focus on improving yourself and your relationships, you can be the best version of yourself for the ones you love!

As you think about your New Year’s resolutions, we encourage you to reflect on the following questions:

  • How can I continue to build and strengthen my relationships in the new year?
  • What do I want to do differently to have even healthier relationships in 2020?
  • What can I do to build a healthier relationship with my partner, child, parent, sibling, friend, or co-worker?
  • How can I improve my self-care?
  • What can I do to feel more confident and build my self-esteem in the new year?
  • How can I best take care of my mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and relational health in 2020?

For more information about setting New Year’s resolutions that focus on improving the health of your relationships and family, check out our “Healthy Relationship Resolutions” blog series and our “Resolve to Have Your Family’s Healthiest Year Yet” series!