Single parenting is becoming more and more common, with 34% of children in the US living in a single parent household in 2017 (KIDS COUNT, 2019). Single parent families are unique and diverse; they may be headed by mothers, fathers, a grandparent, or another family member. Some single parents may be divorced or widowed, while others have never been married or are raising a child on their own by choice. Regardless of how single-parent families look or were formed, they face similar challenges, such as juggling a wide scope of responsibilities, managing family finances, navigating discipline, managing time, and making tough decisions. Many of the challenges that single-parent families face are similar to those of two-parent households; however, they may have to navigate these challenges without the help of a partner or co-parent. 

Whether you are a newly single parent or have been doing things on your own for a while now, there will be moments where you feel overwhelmed or uncertain. This is normal. Parenting is hard work and presents difficult situations for everyone. It’s filled with challenges, surprises, and unexpected moments.

Though parenting can be tough, it is also a beautiful, fulfilling, and joy-filled part of life! As a single parent, you have an opportunity to form a deep and meaningful bond with your kid(s). To all the single parents reading this: you are strong, resilient, and capable of providing a loving, nurturing, supportive, and stable environment for your kids! Throughout the next week, the HRI team will be providing tips to help single parents navigate their parenting journey!

We also encourage you to check out our program on Single Parenthood in our E-learning Center!


The Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2019). Children in single-parent families in the United States. Retrieved from,870,573,869,36,868,867,133,38,35/any/429,430

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