Being a single parent is filled with many wonderful and joy-filled moments! Your kids are a source of laughter, fun, excitement, and love, and they can warm your heart everyday. Though single parenting is rich in special moments and happy memories, it can also be overwhelming and draining. 

Keeping up with the many demands that life and parenting throw at you can be challenging, and although you are strong and capable of doing things on your own, know that you don’t have to. A key part of thriving as a single parent is to surround yourself with a strong support system and to ask for help when you need it! 

Lean on the people in your life, who care about you and your kids, for support. Maybe you have family members or close friends who you can count on and trust with your kids. Other sources of support in your life may look more formal, such as a single parenting support group or a trusted babysitter. Regardless of what your support system looks like, when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, reach out to them for support. This may look like someone providing a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or help with babysitting/child care so you can take the night off. 

Asking for help from your support system can help you feel less overwhelmed during stressful and chaotic moments. We encourage you to reach out to the people you know you can count on when you find yourself in need of support!

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